What happened in Berlin conference?

ISWNews Analysis Group: Participants of Berlin conference only stressed avoiding interference in the battles, without reaching any specific result.
Ahmed Aboul Gheit, secretary of Arab league, having anti Turkey and Qatar stances, said: Only by solving the issues from root, lack of presence of militants and lack of foreign interferences in Libya, the ceasefire will be successful.
Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, reported of concluding on comprehensive roadmap for Libya, forming a military committee and helping UN to hold peace.
Emmanuel Macron, French president, expressed concern regarding militants in Libya and emphasized on ceasefire.
Other participants reading their statements regarding unconditional ceasefire, no foreign interferences, condemning oil export interruption, etc.
Berlin conference was held with presence of leaders and representatives of 14 countries and 4 unions for ceasefire in Libya and political solutions for the crisis in this country.