China - Islamic World News

Saturday 11 March 2023 - 12:34

What Are Undisclosed Details Of Saudi-Iran Agreement In China?

Negotiations between Iran’ Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani and Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State and National Security Adviser Musaed Bin Mohammed Al-Aiban in Beijing, China, Riyadh and Tehran signed an agreement to restore diplomatic ties.

Tuesday 14 February 2023 - 07:23

China In Queue To Receive Iran-made Drones!

ISWNews Analysis Group – Amid the hue and cry over the sale of Iran-made drones to Russia and applying the Iranian UAVs by the Russian army in the war against Ukraine, an Iranian official said that some 90 states are potential customers of the Iran-made drones, including China, which is in queue to receive 15,000 drones manufactured by the Islamic Republic.

Saturday 7 January 2023 - 16:39

China, Taliban ink contract to extract oil, gas from north Afghanistan

ISWNews Analysis Group – The Xinjiang Central Asia Petroleum and Gas Co. (CAPEIC) and the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum of the Taliban-ruled government have signed a 25-year contract to pave the way for exploration and extraction of oil and gas in the Amu Darya basin in northern Afghanistan.

Wednesday 1 June 2022 - 17:36

China loots Yemenis oil in a unique way!

ISWNews Analysis Group: The Chinese tanker entered the port of Al-Shihr on the coast of Hadhramaut province for the second time to load oil from the ports of the occupied regions of Yemen.

Tuesday 5 October 2021 - 11:58

Chinese troops entered Bagram Airbase?!

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to local sources in the city of Bagram in Parwan province, aircraft carrying Chinese troops entered the Bagram Airbase on October 2.

Monday 3 February 2020 - 12:44

US supporting eastern Turkistan!

ISWNews Analysis Group: Mike Pompeo the US secretary of state in his trip to Kazakhstan, demanded the world community supporting from Oyghour Turks in the China.