Map: GNA forces advance in northwest of Libya

ISWNews Analysis Group: GNA forces under support of Turkish army launched an operation Asifat al-Salam (Peace Storm) in northwest of Libya.
IIn this operation, towns Surman, Sabrata, Ujaylat, Jamil, Raqdalin and Zalitan were reclaimed from LNA forces led by general Haftar.
These advances reconnected the coastal line between Tripoli and Tunisia and GNA can start trading with Tunisia and get UN aids using this coastal road.
At the moment, LNA forces have not counterattacked yet and GNA forces are focusing on areas south of Sabratah and Surman, al-Assah border area and Watiyah base.
IIt is said that Binghazi revolutionary council (backed by al Qaeda) under command of Faraj Shaku, have participated in attacks to Surman and Sabratah. GNA in Libya has been always accused of being supported by al-Qaeda and ISIS.
