Latest Updates Afghanistan and Pakistan, 20 May 2020

Wednesday 20 May 2020 - 10:18

Jamiat-e Islami party statement: The Ghani and Abdullah agreement, is the legitimizing of rigged results of election.

1. Jamiat-e Islami party statement:
– The Ghani and Abdullah agreement, is the legitimizing of rigged results of election.
– We are not partner in this agreement.

2. Zalmai Khalilzad visiting to Qatar and Afghanistan. The focus of these trips, has been announced the negotiation about the political future and the gathering Afghan groups.

3. Jozjan:
During security forces operation in Mangjak district, 4 villages were released of Taliban control. In this operation, 10 Taliban members were killed and 10 others wounded.

4. Qanduz:
– During the explosion of a bombed bike in Qanduz city, 2 people were killed and 18 others wounded.(image)
– According to the Afghan ministry of defense, 40 Taliban members were killed and 50 others were wounded, during the Taliban vast attack on security forces checkpoints in the Aliabad, Khanabad, Imam Saheb and Chahar Dareh.

5. Takhar:
During Taliban attack on Badakhsh Qashlaq village in the Baharak district, 6 people mobilization forces were martyred.

6. Qandahar:
During the unknown gunmen attack on police forces in Taghzi village in Maroof district, 5 police forces were killed and 7 others wounded. Taliban claimed the responsibility.

7. Pakistan:
According to the Pakistani army announcement, 7 Pakistani border guards were killed during two terrorist attacks on border guards in the Mach and Mand regions, located in the Balochestan province.

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