Latest Updates on Syria, 15 February 2021

Monday 15 February 2021 - 20:56

ISWNews Analysis Group: Turkish Army established its second military point in the village of Qastun.

– Turkish-backed militants abducted four Kurdish citizens in the city of Afrin.

– A car bomb explosion took place in the town of Jinderes south of Afrin. 6 civilians were injured.

– Pro-militants media claimed that Syrian Army forces targeted a checkpoint of internal security forces (Asayish) in Qamishli.

– Turkish-backed militants targeted the village of al-Hamra, east of Al-Bab. The bombing left only material damage.

– One of the Syrian Army forces was martyred during calshes with ISIS terrorists in the al-Sukhna area in the east of Homs province. Another SAA member, Majd Ahmad Shabat, was killed in the same area last week due to the severity of his injuries.

– According to the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, the militants violated the ceasefire 36 times in the Idlib region, including 2 in Aleppo, 13 in Latakia, 6 in Hama and 15 in Hama.

– Two SDF members were killed when unknown gunmen opened fire on a vehicle of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the city of Busayra in the southeastern province of Deir Ezzor. Another vehicle belonging to the Syrian Democratic Forces was targeted east of Hasakah city, injuring three SDF members. The number of attacks on patrols, vehicles and checkpoints of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) is increasing.

– Contrary to the Moscow agreement, Turkish Army is building a new military post in the town of Qastun in the north of Al-Ghab plain. So far, no military equipment has entered this military post. It should be noted that this is the second Turkish military post in the town of Qastun.

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