Latest Updates on Syria, 1 March 2021

Monday 1 March 2021 - 09:28

– On February 28, at 22:16 local time, Israeli warplanes fired several missiles at Syria’s Damascus.

– A Turkish patrol convoy was attacked by RPG missiles en route Sarmada road near Ma’arat Misrin on 25 February and one Turkish soldier was wounded severely.

– Five children reportedly died due to a fire breaking out in Hawl camp in Hasakah province.

– Gas pipeline was blown up in Abu Khashab area, west of Deir Ezzor.

– A car bomb explosion in Raas al-Ain town killed four civilians including two children. Raas al-Ain town is occupied by Turkish backed militia since Falls 2019.

– Three inhabitants of Jasim town were killed by militants on February 27.

– Russian warplanes struck ISIS positions near Shola in Deir Ezzor on March 1.

– Due to mine explosion en route civilian cars in Salamiyah area in Hama province, five civilians killed and 13 wounded.

– Russian warplanes bombed militant positions in northern Lattakia.

– Turkish-backed forces abducted 13 inhabitants of Basutah village, western suburbs of Afrin on 25 February.

– Syrian Army shelled militants in Kabani, Barah and areas in Zawiyah mountain.

– Turkish-backed forces bombed Sharawa village, Afrin suburbs.

– Syrian Army forces discovered an ISIS safe place in Bushri mountain. Syrian Army operation against ISIS is continuing in Syria desert.

– Seven Syrian Army soldiers wounded due to mine explosion in western suburbs of Deir Ezzor.

– Local sources in Ain Diwar village reported a Russian army patrol in the area. The convoy included five IFVs and two helicopters.

– According to the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria, Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 29 times: 11 – in Idlib province, 13 – in Latakia province, 3 – in Hama province, 2 – in Aleppo province.

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