Latest Updates on Afghanistan, 11 March 2021

Thursday 11 March 2021 - 21:13

1- Qandahar:
– Hawdh Madad area in Zharey district was occupied by Taliban.
– Due to explosion of a vehicle in Maiwand district, one civilian died and two wounded.

2- Herat:
According to Afghanistan DM report, due to the army and Taliban conflicts in recent days, 31 killed and 16 wounded. 21 mines and booby traps were neutralized by the army.

3- Nangarhar:
Afghanistan army launched an operation against Taliban in districts Shirzad and Hesarak , the photos.

4- Kunar:
Local officials reported 20 Taliban militants and ISIS terrorists surrendered to security forces.

5- Faryab
According to Afghanistan DM report, due to air raids of the airforce to Taliban positions in xx district, 12 killed and 4 wounded.

– Due to unknown armed individuals attack to vehicle of Pakistan Navy soldiers in Gwadar harbor, Baluchistan state, two killed and one wounded.
– Due to bomb explosion in Sibi area, Baluchistan states five killed and five wounded.
– Due to Pakistan security forces operation against Taliban in Waziristan state, eight militants killed.

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