Latest Updates on Afghanistan, 14 March 2021

Sunday 14 March 2021 - 21:46

According to Afghanistan DM report, due to the army and Taliban conflict in provinces Nangarhar, Baghlan, Helmand and Kandahar in the last 24 days, 55 Taliban militants killed and 29 wounded. 30 mines and booby traps were neutralized.

1- Kandahar:
– Mazmal Safi, commander of Kandahar’s 1st division was killed in conflict with Taliban in Panjwai district.
– A motorbike explosion in xxx district killed one and wounded several others.

2- Faryab:
– The air force air raid to Taliban positions in Almar district. Taliban claims that the air raids hit the market and residential areas. (Photo)
– 16 security forces, who were besieged by Taliban in Almar district, returned to Maimana safely.

3- Meydan Wardak:
A bomb planted vehicle was ablaze in Meydan Shahr district. No details released of possible casualties.

4- Ghazni:
Due to Taliban attack on the army positions in xxx district, five security forces killed and two wounded. Six Taliban militants killed as well.

5- Balkh:
Due to Taliban attack to security forces station in Sholgara district, six security forces killed and seven wounded and captured.

6- Kabul:
At last wo people were killed and more than 10 others were injured in two terrorist explosions in two vehicles in the third and sixth districts of Kabul.

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