Latest Updates on Afghanistan, 2 June 2021

ISWNews Analysis Group: Taliban militants caused electric outage in some areas of Kabul by destroying a power pole in Qara Bagh district.
1- Herat:
– Army and Taliban sporadic conflict in Ghourian. Some sources spotted army convoys from Herat to Ghourian. Also the helicopters and warplanes of the army bombed Taliban’s positions several times.
– Two light helicopters MD 500 flying over Ghourian district.
2- Nangarhar:
– Army and Taliban conflict in Achin.
– Taliban attack to Fateh Abad area, southwest of Jalal Abad.
3- Qandahar:
According to Afghanistan Defense Ministry, in the conflict between army and Taliban in Maiwand, Panjwai and Khakriz, 15 Taliban militants killed and 5 wounded.
4- Kabul:
Taliban militants destroyed a power pole in Qara Bagh which caused power outage in several areas of Kabul and the government is trying to restore the power. (image)
5- Maidan Wardak:
Afghanistan army reported of launching an operation in Jalriz and Nirkh which were recently occupied by Taliban.
6- Badakhshan:
Afghan Air force attacked Taliban positions on Badakhshan.
7- During the past 24 hours, 100 Taliban members were killed and 50 others were injured in clashes in Laghman, Kunar, Nangarhar, Ghazni, Paktia, Maidan Wardak, Khost, Zabul, Badghis, Herat, Faryab, Helmand and Baghlan provinces. Also, 35 explosive traps and mines were discovered and neutralized by the army, according to Afghanistan Defense Ministry.