Al-Qassam Brigades Commander Announces Start Of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm

Saturday 7 October 2023 - 09:46

Commander-in-Chief of the Izz ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, Mohammed Deif, announced a military operation against Zionist settlements named Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, on October 7.

Deif called on Palestinians to rise up against Israel and declared that a major uprising had begun to end the Israeli occupation.

In his statement, Deif emphasized that the Israeli enemy had attacked women, while they were saying their prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque and desecrated the sanctity of the holy site despite prior warnings by Palestinians.

The statement is as follows:

The occupying regime had also insulted the Prophet’s ascension site, and hundreds of Palestinians had been martyred or injured this year due to Zionist crimes.

The enemy had rejected our friendly humanitarian proposal for prisoner swap and continued its daily crimes on the southwestern coast.

We announce the beginning of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.

We fired over 5,000 missiles and rockets towards the occupied territories. From today onwards, security cooperation between the Palestinian Authority and the Zionist enemy will end.

Today, the Palestinian nation is back on the path of uprising, resistance, and return.

We call on Jerusalem residents to rise up against the occupying enemy.

We urge residents of the occupied territories of 1948, including Negev, Galilee and al-Musalas to set fire to the ground under the feet of occupiers.

We call on our brothers in Islamic resistance movements in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen to support the resistance in Palestine.

It is time for united Arab resistance. We invite everyone to march towards Palestine.

The time has come to end the occupation.

We urge the Islamic and Arab nations to move towards the borders of Palestine.

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