Resistance To Bring Israelis To Their Kneels: Leader Of Islamic Revolution

Wednesday 13 March 2024 - 17:04

During a Tuesday speech on the occasion of the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, pointed to the recent developments in the region and emphasized that the Palestinian resistance still stands strong and will bring the Israeli regime to their kneels by God’s grace.

Some excerpts of the most important statements made by the Supreme Leader are as follows:
– It is the holy Quran that has been able to show this peak of resilience by Gaza and Palestine to the world, it is the patience that the Quran wants, it is the steadfastness that the Quran recommends. It is the reward that the Quran promises to the patient, and it is the Quran that preserves them.

– Today, what is happening in Gaza is at its peak from both aspects. In terms of crime, wickedness, savagery, and bloodshed, it is at its peak. I did not see such a thing. In a place, an equipped enemy is attacking with the use of all kinds of weapons the people who have no weapons. Not that their weapons are inferior, they have no weapons at all.

– The defenseless people of Gaza, ordinary people in hospitals, in mosques, in alleys and markets who have no weapons. The regime attacks them with all kinds of weapons and does not suffice with this, it makes them suffer from hunger and thirst, causing defenseless people and small children as well as breastfeeding infants to die of hunger. I did not see such a thing. This is the peak of bloodshed, and the peak of savagery. This is disgraceful for a civilization whose background is combined with such things. This is the Western civilization, this is no longer behind the scenes, this is clear and obvious in front of everyone’s eyes. The whole world can see it.

– The resistance fighters have sent a message to the world that they have now heard that you don’t need to worry about us. Most of their capabilities and capacities are preserved, about 90% for example. It is very important. For several months now, they (the Israelis) have been fighting with all kinds of weapons, with all kinds of treacherous and oppressive aid from the US and others against Palestinian resistance. The resistance is still powerful, still standing there and by divine success, by God’s grace, will bring the Israeli regime to their kneels.

– The Islamic world is obliged, it has a duty, which is a religious duty, everyone should help in any way they can and it is absolutely forbidden and a real crime to help these enemies in any way by anyone. Unfortunately, there are people in the Islamic world, powers, governments that help the enemies of these oppressed people. God willing, one day they themselves will regret it. And they will see the consequences of this betrayal. They will see that what they did was futile. We hope that the Almighty God will bestow more dignity and victory upon Islam and Muslims day by day.

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