Latest Updates on Afghanistan and Pakistan, 19 September 2021

Sunday 19 September 2021 - 15:40

ISWNews Analysis Group: The United States has apologized for the massacre of 12 people in Khajeh Baghra area of Kabul in the last days of its withdrawal from Afghanistan.

1- The United States has called on the United Nations to suspend sanctions on the Taliban for three months.

2- Nangarhar:
A roadside bomb blast on a Taliban vehicle in the city of Jalalabad has killed three people and injured one. In the past, ISIS has claimed responsibility for these attacks. This attack was probably also carried out by ISIS.

3- Pakistan has announced a 40% reduction in exports to Afghanistan. This decrease is due to the closure of the Afghan banking system.

4- The Pakistani Taliban in a statement rejected the government’s offer of amnesty and announced the continuation of struggle until the implementation of Islamic law in Pakistan.

5- Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in a tweet announced talks with the Taliban on the formation of an inclusive government involving Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks.

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