Million March of Iranian People Against Global Arrogance + Video

Saturday 5 November 2022 - 08:46

ISWNews Analysis Group: Millions of Iranians came to the streets in different cities and expressed their protest against the US conspiracies and global arrogance and the recent western-backed riots in Iran.

On November 4, Millions of people from different sections of the Iranian people, especially students and young people, celebrated the anniversary of the capture of the US embassy i.e. “den of espionage” in Tehran in 1979, by gatherings and demonstrations in all cities.

The national demonstrations were held in more than 900 cities from 9:30 to 12 a.m. local time, with the large attendance of students and other people. On this day, the people of Iran once again demonstrated their vigilance, unity and empathy by participating in the march against the long-standing plots of global arrogance and especially the recent disturbances in the country.

In order to honor the memory of martyred students in 4 November 1978, this day has been named “Pupil Day” in the history of the Islamic Revolution. Also, one year after the martyrdom of the students at the beginning of the revolution and during the rule of the interim government, the people, especially the students of the universities of Tehran, captured the American embassy on the same day in 1979 in protest of the destructive efforts of the United States in the path of the revolution. Imam Khomeini (RA) praised this popular movement and called the capture of the spy nest the second revolution and bigger than the first revolution.

According to estimates, more than 10 million Iranians participated in the 13 Aban (4 November) march across the country. More pictures of the magnificent march of Iranian people on this day:

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