Israeli Missile Attack Disabled Aleppo And Damascus Airports

Sunday 22 October 2023 - 18:06

On October 22, the Israeli army attacked Damascus and Aleppo airports by firing several missiles, killing one civilian.

According to the Syrian Ministry of Defense, this attack was carried out at 5:25 (local time) this morning, by firing several missiles from the Mediterranean Sea in the west of Latakia and from the occupied Golan in the south of Syria.

These attacks resulted in damage to the runways of Damascus and Aleppo airports and their inoperability, as well as the martyrdom of a civilian worker at the Damascus airport and the wounding of another worker.

It is worth mentioning that 10 days ago on October 12, the Israeli regime fighter jets fired several missiles at airports in Aleppo and Damascus, Syria and put the airports out of the service.

Israel claims that the air strikes aimed at disrupting and halting the process of any assistance and support from Iran to its allies in the region.

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