Latest Updates on Afghanistan and Pakistan, 10 June 2020

Wednesday 10 June 2020 - 17:12

Afghanistan government announced release of three thousand Taliban prisoners and asked for Afghan-Afghan negotiations.

1. Peace talks:
– Afghanistan government released 10 and 27 Taliban prisoners from Ghor and Herat prisons, respectively.
– Zalmay Khalilzad and General Miller met with Abdul Ghani Baradar in Qatar.
– Afghanistan government announced release of three thousand Taliban prisoners and asked for Afghan-Afghan negotiations.

2. Badakhshan:
According to local officials, due to security forces operation in Badakhshan four villages including Pari Kham were liberated from Taliban.

3. Daykundi:
Chief of police of Kajran district and two civilians were assassinated by unknown individuals.

4. Balkh:
Due to mine explosion in Shor Tappa road, head of Turkmen council of Balkh and governor of Shor Tappa district died.

5. Pakistan:
General Qamar Javed Bajwa, commander of Pakistan army, in a one day visit to Afghanistan met with officials including Ashraf Ghani. General Faydh Hamid, chief of Pakistan inter-service intelligence (ISI) and Muhammed Sadeq, Pakistan PM delegate in Afghanistan affairs accompanied him.

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