Latest Updates on Yemen, 11 August 2020

Tuesday 11 August 2020 - 21:12

Latest news from the Yemeni fronts

1. Baydha:
– Ansar Allah operation against ISIS and Al Qaeda positions in Qifah and Quraishiya continuing.
– Reclaiming the Nufan mountain by Al Qaeda is not correct.
– ISIS forces reached the front between AnsarAllah and Al Qaeda in Dhi Kalib. ISIS and Al Qaeda are practically united against Ansar Allah.
– Saudi coalition warplanes bombed Quraishiya fronts 6 times.
– Saudi coalition forces activated Zahir front to reduce Ansar Allah pressure in ISIS and Al Qaeda. Saudi coalition attacks in this front started from today morning but so far unsuccessful.

2. Marib:
– Ansar Allah liberated Camb base in Mahiliyah front.
– Ansar Allah missile attack to Saudi coalition base in Marib. Tadawin camp or Sahn al-Jinn base were targeted.
– Saudi coalition warplanes bombed front lines in Mahiliyah district five times.

3. Sanaa
A UN cargo plane carrying more than 39 tones of medical aids landed in Sanaa.

4. Al Hudaydah:
– Due to bombing Jah al-Ala area, Beit Faqih district, a person martyred and 11 including 6 children injured.
– Saudi coalition forces violated ceasefire 97 times in the province in the last 24 hrs.



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