Latest Updates on Iraq, 13 September 2020

The headline of the latest news and the most important developments in Iraq in the last 48 hours
1. The second and last day of Al Kadhimi trip to Iqlim Kurdistan Iraq.
– Iraqi PM, Al Kadhimi, in the second day of his visit to Iqlim Kurdistan, met with Nechirvan Barzani, head of the Iqlim, on Friday in Erbil.
– He then visited Suleimaniyah and Halabja and met with president Barham Salih and officials of the province separately.
– He visited Bashmaq border terminal in the last step.
Some believe Al Kadhimi is exploiting his visits to different provinces of Iraq as a campaign for Iraqi election in future.
2. In a joint operation by Hashad Sha’abi and Samarra Operations Command room, four of ISIS important commanders were killed in Farhatiyah, Samarra city.
3. Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie, commander of terrorist CENTCOM: The attacks to American forces in Iraq increased in recent months but no fatal loss.
4. Bombing north of Dohuk province in north of Iraq by Turkey again.
5. Denmark FM: Denmark wants to open embassy in Iraq to start the negotiations with Iraq in different fields such as immigration and counter terrorism.
6. American terrorist logistical caravan was attacked in Saladdin province.
7. Local sources: A military caravan conveying US logistics entered Hasakah province in Syria from Iqlim Kurdistan.
8. Hakim in meeting with elites and activists of popular movements:
Normalization of relations between Iraq and Israel won’t happen ever.