Latest Updates on Yemen, 18 December 2020

Friday 18 December 2020 - 16:02

Latest news from the Yemen’s frontlines

1- Marib
– Clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi-led forces continue in the Raghwan front, north of Madghal, Jabal Murad and Rahbah.
– Saudi coalition warplanes bombed Mukhaddara area in Sarwah district 2 times, Maheliyah district 2 times and Rahbah district 1 time.

2- Al Jawf
In a domestic discord, a member of Bani Nuf tribe was killed by an Ansar Allah troop. It is said Bani Nuf tribe intends to retreat from east of Hazm front and Ansar Allah sent a delegate committee to solve the issue.

3- Al Hudaydah
Saudi coalition forces violated ceasefire in the province 322 times in the last 48 hours.

4- Some sources reported USA, Zionist regime and Saudi coalition are going to build a joint base in Socotra island.

5- Saudi coalition positioned two thousand Sudanese troops in south of Saudi Arabia. It is after Mansoor Hadi forces fled from these fronts.

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