Latest Updates on Libya, 30 December 2020

Wednesday 30 December 2020 - 07:31

ISWNews Analysis Group: The Turkish army has deployed Hawk air defense system and 3D radars at several points in northwestern Libya.

1- “If Haftar militants attack Turkish forces in Libya, they will have no place to flee and wherever they are, the Turkish army will target them,” Turkish Defense Minister Khulusi Akar told Turkish troops in Libya.

2- Delegation of Egyptian diplomats and intelligence officials visited the Libyan capital on Sunday. Headed by Ayman Badea, the deputy chief of the General Intelligence Service, they met with senior officials of the Government of National Accord (GNA), including Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha, and head of intelligence in western Libya, Emad Trapolsi.
The delegation also discussed the possibility of reopening the Egyptian embassy in Tripoli at the earliest time and resuming the flights between the two countries.

3- Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Turkey regarding the political developments in Libya.
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called Turkey’s presence in Libya legal and rejected US sanctions and General Haftar’s threats as ineffective in Turkey’s decisions. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also stressed the importance of Turkey’s role in achieving peace in Libya.

4- During the prisoner exchange between Libyan National Army (LNA) and the Government of National Accord (GNA) in the Al-Shuwairif area, one GNA soldier was exchanged for 5 LNA soldiers.
Also in another exchange of prisoners, 15 prisoners of the GNA were exchanged for 33 prisoners of the LNA.
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on Saturday hailed the success of implementing a prisoner exchange between the GNA and LNA.

5- The Turkish army has deployed Hawk air defense system and 3D radars at several points in northwestern Libya.

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