Latest Updates on Yemen, 1 February 2021

Monday 1 February 2021 - 08:30

ISWNews Analysis Group: Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, head of South of Yemen Transition Council, with a committee of Southerners arrived in Moscow to meet with Russian FM and State Duma parliament members

1- Marib
Some sources claimed that Ansar Allah dispatched extensive equipment and forces to east and south of Marib. It seems Ansar Allah is preparing for launch an extensive operation in several parts of Marib province.

2- Saudi coalition airstrikes and ceasefire violations in the last 48 hours
– The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported more than 400 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah during the past 24 hours
– Sarwah district 15 times, Majzar district 4 times and Madghal district 2 times, Marib province.
– Zaher district 2 times, Saadah province.

3- Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, head of South of Yemen Transition Council, with a committee of Southerners arrived in Moscow to meet with Russian FM and State Duma parliament members. He stated the goal of the trip is to talk about the future of the people and goals of Southerners. (image)

4- The Russian ambassador in Yemen: Southerners should have delegates in the new government negotiation committee. Our aim is to resume the negotiations between Yemeni sides under UN supervision.

5- Saudi coalition claimed to shoot down a drone over south of Saudi Arabia and a rocket hitting a hospital in Jizan.

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