Syria: Drone and Rocket Attack on US Tanf Base

Thursday 21 October 2021 - 10:19

ISWNews Analysis Group: Late on October 20, the positions of US Army and its backed militants were targeted by several drones and rockets in the Al Tanf area, located in the border triangle between Syria, Iraq and Jordan.

In the last hour of Wednesday, local sources reported the sound of an explosion at the Al Tanf base belonging to the US military. Later, it became clear that the positions of the US military and the “Maghawir al-Thawra” militants at the Al Tanf area had been (probably) attacked by a combination of drones and rockets.

Sources claim that the attack was carried out by at least five drones and the US air defense systems deployed in the area were not able to shot down the drones.

“None of the American troops stationed at the base were injured,” a CENTCOM military official told the media. “We maintain the inherent right of self-defense and will respond at a time and place of our choosing., the US Central Command said.

The US is threatening the Axis of Resistance forces while last week, after the Israeli air strike on Tadmur, which was carried out using Jordanian airspace and the Al Tanf area, the Syrian Allied Operations Room issued a statement: “In retaliation for this attack we will respond and will avenge the blood of the martyrs and the wounded, and the response will be very harsh.”

Hence, in light of last week’s events, the rocket/drone attack on the US occupation positions in Al Tanf appears to be in response to Israeli missile strikes that twice bombed resistance positions at T4 Airbase and the Tadmur area.

Exact details of the damage and casualties of American troops have not been released yet. But if the casualties are not sufficiently effective, as in similar operations in the past, there will not be enough deterrence for the Axis of Resistance in Syria, and we will again see continued Israeli and US aggression and bombardment of resistance positions in Syria.

The Al Tanf area in southeastern Syria has been occupied by US forces for years, and Syrian Army and resistance forces are not allowed to approach within a 55-kilometer radius of the area. (Online map)

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