Latest updates on Afghanistan and Pakistan, 10 July 2022

Sunday 10 July 2022 - 18:44

ISWNews Analysis Group: 20 people were killed and wounded as a result of an attack by ISIS terrorist group on a bus carrying the Taliban’s the 207th Al-Farooq forces in Herat city,

1- Uruzgan:
On July 6, unknown gunmen assassinated “Shir Agha”, the former governor of Deh Rahwod district in the Lablan village.

2- Bamyan
– On July 2, Taliban militants in Bamyan district prevented the distribution of humanitarian aid from charitable foundations to the displaced people of Balkhab district.
– On July 3, agents of the Taliban’s Department of “Enjoining the Good and Forbidding Evil” insulted Shia students by calling them apostates at Bamyan University. Also, the students protesting this issue were arrested by Taliban gunmen.
– On July 6 and 7, Taliban militants arrested five civilians in the Shesh Gaw bridge area of Bamyan disttict on charges of collaborating with Maulvi Mehdi Mojahed militants.

3- Baghlan
– On July 6, forces loyal to Ahmad Massoud attacked Taliban positions in Charkh Wa Falak Valley located in Khost and Farang district. Five Taliban members including Mullah Bahauddin, the deputy governor of the Taliban were killed and two others were wounded.
– On July 6, Taliban militants arrested more than 55 civilians in the villages of Dara Pashei, Lerwan, Kezar, Dara Charkh and Falak and Sechi Bala located in Khost and Farang district, on the charge of cooperating with Ahmad Massoud forces.
– On July 7, Ahmad Massoud’s forces captured Dera Sechi checkpoint in Khost and Farang district.

Ahmad Massoud’s forces at Sechi checkpoint

4- Panjshir:
– On July 4, Pashtun militants of Taliban arrested “Qari Hasibullah Habibi”, director of intelligence of Khanj district and “Molla Shamsuddin”, director of intelligence of Rokha district on charges of cooperation with Ahmad Massoud’s forces.
– On July 6, as a result of the attack of Ahmad Massoud’s forces on Taliban militants in Arzoo valley located in Shatel city, six Taliban militants were killed and wounded.
– On July 7, forces loyal to Ahmad Massoud attacked Taliban positions in Melspeh village located in Bazarak district. 12 Taliban militants were killed and wounded.

5- Paktiya:
On July 3, as a result of an attack by the forces of the National Liberation Front in Band Chaghlu area in Ahmedabad district, six Taliban militants were killed.

6- Sare Pol:
– On July 2, civilian residents of Balkhab district claimed the death of a one-day-old baby in the mountains around this area.
– On July 6, the United Nations Humanitarian Aid Coordinator Office announced that 27,000 civilians were displaced due to the internal conflict of Taliban militants in Balkhab district.

7- Samangan:
On July 6, unknown gunmen gunned down one of the jihadi commanders of the previous government named “Karim” in the second district of Aybak district.

8- Kabul:
– On July 2, Taliban militants arrested “Dawud Shah Mateen”, the advisor to the executive directorate of the previous government, on Shital road, located in the 11th district of Kabul city.
– On July 6, 13 Taliban militants were killed and wounded as a result of an attack by unknown gunmen on the outpost and vehicle of Taliban in Anjirak neighborhood located in the 11th district of Kabul.
– On July 7, more than 10 Taliban militants were killed and injured due to the internal conflict in the presidential palace.
– On July 7, unknown gunmen assassinated a moderate religious scholar named “Maulvi Abdul Qudous” and his son in Kabul city.

Clashes in the Presidential Citadel of Kabul

9- Qunduz:
On July 5, due to the explosion of a bomb in a vehicle carrying Taliban militants in Qunduz city, four members of the Taliban were injured.

10- Nangarhar:
– On July 2, eight people were injured as a result of throwing a hand grenade at the gathering of students of an Osman Zulnorin school in Shahbazakhel village of Nangarhar province.
– On July 2, as a result of the military-intelligence operation of Taliban militants in Roshan Mena village located in the fourth district of Nangarhar province, seven ISIS members were killed or arrested.
– On July 6, the residents of Daronte area found the bodies of more than 100 people from the Daronte water canal. It is said that the Taliban militants beheaded and shot these people on the charge of membership in ISIS.

11- Herat:
– On July 4, after an armed person threw a hand grenade and shot at a bus carrying the 207th Al-Farooq Taliban Corps in Herat city, 20 people were killed and wounded, including the attacker. The ISIS terrorist group claimed responsibility for this attack.
– On July 7, one of the Taliban pilots named “Atiq” who was injured in an ISIS attack on a bus carrying Taliban militants in Herat city, died.

12- Indian Deputy Foreign Minister discussed with Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Keni about the transfer of wheat to Afghanistan via Iran. Indian media recently claimed that a large amount of wheat sent from India to Afghanistan was stolen in Pakistan.

13- Pakistan:
– On July 2, thousands of supporters of Imran Khan, the former prime minister of Pakistan, demonstrated in Islamabad, the capital city of this country.
– On July 2, the Pakistan Army resumed military operations against the Taliban by arresting three Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) militants in the Ghulam Khan area of North Waziristan.
– On July 6, the militants of Sipah Sahaba terrorist group martyred a Shiite civilian named “Syed Zahor Alam” in Hangu district located in Punjab state.
– On July 7, a Pakistani police member was killed and four others were injured as a result of a bomb explosion at a police station in Mardan district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan is the main suspect in this attack.

Video: Explosion in Pakistani police station in Mardan area
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