Bashagha did not reach Tripoli again!

Tuesday 30 August 2022 - 17:32

As a result of the clashes between the armed supporters of Fathi Bashagha and the Government of National Accord (GNA) forces allied to Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh in the city of Tripoli, the capital of Libya, more than 32 people were killed and 160 were injured.

After five days of political tension and armed conflict, Fathi Bashagha’s third attempt to enter Tripoli failed. As a result of the clashes between the armed supporters of Fathi Bashagha and the GNA forces allied to Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh in Tripoli city, more than 32 people were killed and 160 were injured, And now al-Dbeibeh and Bashagha are accusing each other of starting the conflict and killing Libyans.

In a statement, Bashagha accused Al-Dbeibeh of not handing over the government and shedding the blood of civilians and looting their property. Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh also called Bashagha’s supporters a group of coup plotters who have been prosecuted. In this regard, the Libyan military prosecutor-general issued arrest warrants for Bashagha, Mohamed Siwan, the chair of the Democratic Party, Othman Abdul-Jalil, a government spokesman and minister of health, and Bashagha’s major ally, Maj. Gen. Osama al-Juwaili, the former head of the Tripoli-bases military intelligence service.

Currently, the clashes in Tripoli have stopped and the exchange of fire between the parties is going on sporadically in some areas. The center and surroundings of Tripoli are calm, and the GNA forces, controlling the Al-Swani area, pushed back the pro-Bashagha forces from the southern axis of Tripoli.

The Presidential Council and Parliament of Libya and the embassy of influential countries in Libya have also called for the cessation of conflicts and the adoption of a political solution for the holding of presidential elections.

It is worth noting that the current crisis in Libya originates from the postponement of the presidential elections and the failure to hand over the government to Fathi Bashagha, the transitional prime minister elected by the parliament. Hence, tensions have entered another stage.

Considering the failure of Fathi Bashagha to take the capital, there is a high possibility of the resurgence of conflicts in Libya. General Haftar’s support for Bashagha can seriously bring the competition to the military level and again this country will become the scene of conflict and military intervention of Turkey, UAE and Russia.

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