Russia Airstrikes On Syria’s Idlib Leave 9 Dead, 61 Wounded

Monday 26 June 2023 - 09:06

Certain media outlets affiliated to militant groups have reported the recent attacks by Russian fighter jets on the city of Jisr al-Shughur in Idlib Governorate have left 9 civilians dead and 61 others injured.

ISWNews Analysis Group – On June 25, some Russian fighter jets pounded militant groups’ positions in Idlib Governorate, killing and injuring several militants, including several field commanders.

Following the air raids, media outlets affiliated to the militant groups claimed that during the air strikes on militants’ positions in the Syrian city of Jisr al-Shughur, some civilians were also targeted, ending up in the death of 9 people and the injury of 61 others.

According to some local sources, the Jisr al-Shughur market was bombed by Russian fighter jets, but images released from the scene affected in the air strike show that a school that was a base for Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) was targeted by the Russian fighter jets.

A picture of a school that was a base for Turkistan Islamic Party militants

Given the earlier moves by the militants in Syria, they cannot be exempted from committing inhumane actions and their widespread media propaganda campaign regarding the Sunday attacks enhances the doubt and suspicion in this respect; while there have not been released any reliable documents and information in this regard.

It is also likely that the militants introduced their own casualties in Sunday attacks as civilians in a bid to put pressure on the Syrian government through victimization and media campaigns and try to promote international condemnation on the government in Damascus.

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