Palestinian Casualties Mounting In Wake Of Constant Clashes In Jenin

Tuesday 4 July 2023 - 20:34

In continuation of the “Home and Garden” operation in Palestinian city of Jenin, the Israeli regime’s military and security forces raided several headquarters belonging to Palestinian resistance groups; therefore, a severe armed conflict kicked off between the Israelis and the resistance fighters.

ISWNews Analysis Group – At the end of Tuesday clashes, Israeli soldiers released some images, claiming that they have discovered and seized a large amount of various types of explosives, shotguns, and weapons in the headquarters belonging to the Palestinian resistance groups in Jenin city.

The Israeli army also announced that as a result of joint operations with Israel Security Agency, better known by the acronym Shabak or the Shin Bet, in Jenin city and the Jenin Refugee Camp, they could identify and clear a Palestinian resistance command center.

According to the Israeli army, the resistance headquarters was used by Palestinians to control security conditions and direct fighters in Jenin.

On the second day of the Home and Garden operation, Hebrew-language media outlets quoted the Israeli regime’s army as saying that Israeli soldiers have taken 120 Palestinians captive in the Jenin Camp and the Jenin city.

Read more: Israelis’ Raid On Jenin Leaves 58 Palestinians Martyred Or Injured (Video)

Israeli regime’s Channel 12 TV network also reported that the army of the regime discovered more than 300 homemade bombs in one of the explosive workshops in Jenin Camp; so, the number is much more than what Israeli security agencies predicted.

In the wake of constant clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian resistance fighters in Jenin, the number of Palestinian casualties mounted to 10 martyrs and 100 injured. Now, 20 of the wounded people have also been reported to be in critical condition.

According to local sources, the Zionist regime is seeking to completely evacuate the Jenin Camp of Palestinians in order to extensively pound and obliterate resistance groups in this refugee camp.

To address the issue, the Palestinian Red Crescent announced that the organization has evacuated nearly 500 Palestinian families from the Jenin Refugee Camp so far.

The Red Crescent also stressed that the organization is facing immense difficulty in evacuating Palestinians from the Jenin camp due to the extent of destruction in the city especially in the camp.

It is worth noting that the new military operation by the Israeli regime against Jenin, dubbed Home and Garden, began on the morning of July 3, and more than 110 Palestinians have been martyred and injured during the military operation so far.

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