Senior Commander Of National Resistance Front of Afghanistan Assassinated

Wednesday 6 September 2023 - 18:13

Qamaruddin Andrabi, a field commander of Ahmad Massoud’s National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, was assassinated by his guard who was a Taliban infiltrator in the Khwaja Valley in the Beno district of Andarab County in Baghlan Province.

Qamaruddin Andrabi was formerly a member of the Afghan army in the previous government and joined the Taliban opposition in the provinces of Panjshir and Baghlan after the collapse of Ashraf Ghani’s administration.

He engaged in battles against the Taliban in Andarab Province. After the death of Khair Mohammad Khairkhwa, Qamaruddin Andrabi took command of the forces of Ahmad Massoud in Andrab Province in December 2022.

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