Latest Updates On Yemen, 8 September 2023

Saturday 9 September 2023 - 10:35

The “Revolutionary Movement for Freedom and Independence of the South”, one of the separatist parties of southern Yemen, issued a statement canceling its cooperation and partnership with the Southern Transitional Council (STC) led by Eidros al-Zubaidi.

1- Shabwah Governorate:
On September 5, unidentified armed individuals attacked the positions of Shabwa Defense Forces in the Al-Masina district in Al-Saeed area during an armed attack. During this raid, two of the Shabwa Defense Forces were injured.

2-Abyan Governorate:
Following an armed clash in the Joula Tariq neighborhood of Zinjibar coastal town, two civilians were killed and several others were injured.

3-Taiz Governorate:
The Eritrean government released 73 Yemeni fishermen, who were detained at Eritrean prisons in Al-Khokha city. According to local sources, 44 other Yemeni fishermen are still imprisoned on Terma Island off the coast of Eritrea.

4-Aden Governorate:
On September 6, the supreme council of the “Revolutionary Movement for Freedom and Independence of the South” canceled its contribution to the Southern Transitional Council (STC) led by Major General Aidarous Qassem Abdulaziz Al-Zubaidi after issuing a statement. The party emphasized in its statement that the Southern Transitional Council has no role in advancing the national project in southern of Yemen and is merely a tool for implementing foreign governments’ plans that come at the expense of our people’s dignity and aspirations. The leader of this party is Faysal Baoum, who joined the Southern Transitional Council a few months ago.

5-Al Hudaydah Governorate:
Saudi-led coalition forces violated ceasefire 171 times in the Al Hudaydah Governorate over the past 48 hours.

6-Sana’a Governorate:
The Sana’a Criminal Court sentenced four convicts of being engaged in Hassan Zaid’s assassination, former Minister of Sports and Youth of the National Salvation Government, to death and other convicts to five to six years in prison. It should be noted that a key member involved in Hassan Zaid’s assassination team was killed by Ansar Allah intelligence forces in Dhamar Governorate.

7-Sa’dah Governorate:
The Saudi-led coalition forces targeted border areas in Razih and Shada districts with missile attacks. According to reports that have been released so far, these attacks have not caused any particular casualties or damages.

Saudi coalition artillery attacks on the western areas of Saada province

9- The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported that more than 90,000 African migrants entered Yemen during the first eight months of the current year.

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