Taliban Increases Attacks Against Government Forces Across Afghanistan

Friday 18 August 2017 - 13:06

Reports have appeared that the Taliban has once again captured Mirza Ulang village from governent forces in northern Afghanistan

Mohammad Radmanesh, deputy spokesman of the Afghan Defense Ministry, denied these reports. However, the situation in the area remains tense.

The Afghan Army and security forces faced a lot of problems because of the increased number of attacks of the Taliban and ISIS across the country, especially in Jowzjan province.

The Taliban is rapidly expandin in northern Afganistan and there are a chance that more villages and towns will fall in the hands of the movement soon. Jowzjan Governor released a statement saying that if army reinforcements do not arrive, four cities, including Aqcha, will soon fall.

Local sources from the Cheharboolak countryside in Balakh province claimed that approximately 5000 families were displaced as a result of the Taliban activity. The Taliban is now advancing in the vicinity of Cheharboolak city.

Pictures of funeral of the martyrs of Mirza Ulang village:

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