Biden Tells Tel Aviv Regime: US Will Stand With You

Wednesday 18 October 2023 - 12:12

On October 18, the United States’ President Joe Biden visited Tel Aviv to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the members of the war cabinet of the regime.

In a joint press conference with Netanyahu on recent developments in Palestine, Biden said: I am here to tell the world that we are with Israel.

He also emphasized that US will assist Israel in the face of Hamas attacks, adding that it seems that the attack on the Gaza hospital has not been done Israel, but many people do not accept this. Hamas killed over 1,300 people, including Americans, and this group is a terrorist organization. The world will see what we will do, Biden added.
Netanyahu also praised Biden’s trip as the first US president to visit Israel during wartime and said: I know you are also committed to our efforts to bring back the Israelis kidnapped by Hamas. The world must unite to defeat Hamas. They killed 1,400 Israelis on October. We will destroy Hamas just as we destroyed the ISIS group.
After this meeting, the US president went to the so-called Israeli Ministry of Defense (war) in Tel Aviv for a war cabinet meeting.
It should be noted that Biden’s next destination after Tel Aviv was the capital of Jordan, Amman, in a bid to attend a four-party meeting with leaders from Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian National Authority.

However, the turbulent situation in Jordan led to the cancellation of his trip and meetings with Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and Mahmoud Abbas.

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