Iraqi Resistance Drone Attack On US Base in Hasakah

Monday 23 October 2023 - 16:15

The Islamic Resistance of Iraq announced a drone attack on the positions of US occupation in the Syrian province of Hasakah.

On October 23, the Islamic Resistance of Iraq attacked a US military base in Hasakah province by a suicide drone.

According to the statement of Islamic Resistance, the US base in Malikiyah (Derik) area, located in Hasakah province of Syria, was targeted by a suicide drone.

It is worth mentioning that this is the fifth attack by the resistance groups against the positions of the American occupation in Syria in the last week. Before this attack, the American positions in CONOCO gas facility, Omar oil field and al-Tanf area were targeted by resistance rocket and drone attacks.

Read more:
Drone Attack On US Forces in Deir ez-Zor
Resistance Forces Attacks Two US Bases In Syria

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