Hezbollah’s Heavy Drone And Rocket Attack On The Occupied Shebaa Farms

Thursday 21 December 2023 - 15:04

In a heavy attack, using rockets and suicide drones, Hezbollah crushed the positions of the Israeli army in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

According to the statements of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, the resistance forces attacked Israeli soldiers’ gatherings in Shebaa Farms with several rockets this afternoon.

Minutes after this attack, three suicide drones targeted and crushed Israeli military gatherings in the same areas. Details of the casualties and damages of these attacks have not been published.

This is the eighth time that Hezbollah has used suicide drones in a conflict with the Israeli army. Most of these attacks have been successful and Hezbollah drones have hit their targets precisely. In these attacks, Hezbollah uses the Mersad suicide drone (Ababil 2), which is considered one of Iran’s simplest drone weapons.

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