Hezbollah Attacks Crucial Air Surveillance Base On Mount Carmel

Saturday 6 January 2024 - 12:48

Hezbollah attacked the Meron Air Surveillance Base on the summit of Mount Carmel in northern occupied Palestine with 62 rockets of various types.

The summit of Mount Carmel is the highest mountain peak in northern occupied Palestine and the Meron Air Surveillance Base in this summit serves as a crucial center for administration, monitoring and air control in the northern areas. It should be noted that this base is one of the two main surveillance bases of Israel, along with the Mitzpeh Ramon base in the south of the occupied territories.

The distance between Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon and this base is about 10 kilometers. Therefore, Hezbollah can also use Mersad suicide drones (Ababil 2) to carry out attacks with more precision.

Hezbollah declared that the attack on Meron base is a preliminary response to the assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri, the Deputy Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas in Beirut.

The moment when a number of Hezbollah cruise missiles or rockets hit the Meron base on the summit of Mount Carmel
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