Confirmed: Suicide Drone Strike On Israeli Ships Near Maldives!

Tuesday 9 January 2024 - 16:32

A few days ago, we announced about the attack on Israeli ships, today Al-Mayadeen confirmed this news by quoting its sources.

Sources told the Lebanese network Al-Mayadeen that last Thursday two “Israeli or Israeli-related oil tankers” were attacked in the Indian Ocean. According to this report, a Liberian-flagged tanker CHEM SILICON was attacked in the northwest of Maldives. This ship belongs to Dutch “ACE Tankers” company. According to these sources, the second ship is also a Liberian-flagged tanker named PACIFIC GOLD which belongs to “Eastern” company.

As we said, this news is related to the drone attack last week, January 4, that happened near the Maldives islands. Some news sources claimed that this attack was carried out from Yemen, but the distance between Ansar Allah’s positions and the Maldives is more than 3,000 kilometers. So, it is possible that maybe this attack was carried out by the Iranian Armed Forces.

It should be noted that the drone fleet of the Iranian Navy is capable of carrying out various operations with all types of offensive, suicide and reconnaissance drones in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

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