ISIS Attack On Syrian Military Bus Leaves 23 Martyrs Or Wounded In Homs Desert

Tuesday 9 January 2024 - 20:27

A bus carrying Syrian soldiers in the desert eastern Homs Governorate was targeted by a roadside bomb planted by the ISIS terrorist group. As a result of this incident, at least 9 Syrian soldiers were martyred and 14 others were injured.

This attack took place three days after the Syrian army’s operation against ISIS hideouts in the Syrian desert. This is the second attack by ISIS terrorists on the Syrian army in the past 10 days.

On January 1, attacks against Syrian troops by ISIS terrorists resulted in the martyrdom of 9 soldiers of the Syrian army and its allied forces.

Following the failure of the US regime’s airstrikes against the Resistance to stop missile and rocket attacks on its bases, the activities of ISIS terrorist groups in the region have recently intensified. The study of the trend of ISIS attacks and movements indicates that the terrorist group’s assassination machine may have been activated at the request of its employers, namely the US and Israeli intelligence services. The main objective of these attacks is to distract the Resistance and undermine its focus on the battle against the Israeli regime.

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