Fire In Warehouse Of Israeli Company Neostrim In Kazakhstan

Tuesday 23 January 2024 - 20:06

According to Russian journalist Andrei Serenko, a warehouse of Israeli company Neostrim located in Almaty, Kazakhstan, caught fire on Sunday night (January 14).

Neostrim is affiliated to the international company BASF Central Asia, which is supported by Israeli investors. Morover, a number of the company’s shareholders are also Israeli Zionists.

According to the report, the attack on this warehouse was carried out by an unidentified person who first placed an oxygen capsule in the warehouse and then set it on fire using gasoline before fleeing the scene. The Kazakh security forces continue their efforts to identify and arrest this assailant.

This fire is related to suspicious events and actions in recent months in Middle Eastern countries and is estimated to be due to the spontaneous anti-Israeli actions of the people in this region.

In this regard, several Tajik, Kazakh and Uzbek citizens have been arrested on charges of underground activities against the Israeli regime, and the warehouses of Israeli companies Technopark and Saxovat Broyler in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, have also experienced unusual fires.

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