U.S. Military Carried Out New Aggression On Yemen

Monday 5 February 2024 - 18:19

On February 5, the US coalition fighter jets bombarded the coasts of Hudaydah province and areas in Saadah province.

Early this morning, the U.S. warplanes targeted Ras Isaa area in Al-Salif district eight times, Al-Zaydiyah district twice and Al-Houk district once in Hudaydah province, And east of Saada city once and Baqim district 3 times in the north of Saada province.

These airstrikes took place while the US Army terrorist headquarters (CENTCOM) has not issued a statement about it so far.

However, according to CENTCOM’s latest statement, on February 4, at 5:30 a.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. warplanes conducted a strike against a land attack cruise missile. Also, at 10:30 a.m. US warplanes struck four anti-ship cruise missiles, all of which allegedly were aimed at the Red Sea.

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