Yemenis Held Massive Rallies In Support Of Palestine

Saturday 24 February 2024 - 07:57

For the 21st time since the beginning of the war in the Gaza Strip, the Yemeni people in the areas controlled by Ansar Allah held mass marches and gatherings in support of the Palestinian people and resistance groups and condemning the crimes of Israel.

This march titled “Our path with Gaza.. Forward to victory” in support of Palestine was held in the provinces of Sana’a, Saada, Imran, Hudaydah, Marib, Al-Jawf, Al-Bayda, Taiz, Hajjah, Dhamar, Rimah, Ibb and Al-Dhale’.

In the final statement of this march, the people of Yemen emphasized their readiness to face all options and support the people and resistance groups of Palestine.

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