Two New Groups Join Jaish Al Watani Militants In Syria

According to a statement released by the Syrian militants, two groups of Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement and Maghavir Al-Sham have joined Jaish Al Watani, aka Syrian National Army.
Since the operational capabilities of the two aforementioned groups have not been the same as before, and there has not even been any news of their operations in recent months, it seems that their accession to the Jaish Al Watani as well as the media hype surrounding this issue, were only done with the aim of creating psychological warfare, showing power, and absorbing the number of subgroups.
It is worth noting that Jaish al-Watani al-Suri is an offshoot of the so-called Free Syrian Army, which started its activities in Syria in 2017 with the support of Turkiye, and most of its members are Syrian Arabs and Turkmens.
Jaish Al Watani is also known as TFSA (Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army) due to the direct support that it gets from Turkiye.