Yemeni Army Carries Out Missile, Drone Attacks On US Navy Warships

Wednesday 6 March 2024 - 10:38

The Yemeni Armed Forces carried out attacks on two US Navy warships in the Red Sea using several missiles and suicide drones.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree, a spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, announced in a statement that the naval, missile, and drone units of the Yemeni Army targeted two US warships in the Red Sea in a joint military operation, using several naval missiles and suicide drones.

Brigadier General Saree further emphasized that in response to the call from the freedom-loving people, including the great Yemeni nation, to support and assist the people of Palestine, the Yemeni Armed Forces will not hesitate to expand operations against all hostile targets and will continue their attacks until the end of the aggression and lifting of the siege on the people of Palestine living in the Gaza Strip.

In response to this Yemeni military attack, the US-UK coalition fighter jets bombed the areas of Al-Jabbana and Ras Isa in northern Al-Hudaydah Governorate a few hours ago.

The Yemeni missile and drone operations against US warships mark the 44th missile and drone attack by the Yemeni Armed Forces against ships belonging to the Israeli regime, the United States, the UK, as well as their affiliated vessels in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.

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