Baghdad Demands Precise Information About Presence Of Mossad In Iraq: National Security Advisor

The National Security Advisor of Iraq referred to the recent missile attack by Iranian armed forces on Erbil city of Kurdistan province, stating that he does not deny the activities of foreign individuals affiliated with the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, in the city.
Iraq’s National Security Advisor Qasim Mohammad Jalal al-Araji, in an interview with Al-Ahed Network, mentioned witnessing the recent attack by Iranian armed forces on a Mossad headquarters in Erbil and revealed that a Christian Iraqi citizen was present at a gathering in that house.
Al-Araj stated: My emphasis is that the target point in the Erbil bombing by Iran was not a Mossad center, which does not mean that Mossad is not present in Erbil, and I do not deny that individuals with foreign affiliations are working for Mossad in the region. Masoud Barzani gave me full authority to inspect any suspicious points suspected of Mossad elements, and Iraq is seeking to obtain precise information about the presence of Mossad elements on its soil.
The National Security Advisor of Iraq concluded by adding: A comprehensive report on the Erbil bombing has been submitted to the Prime Minister [of Iraq Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani]. Let us not forget that Iran was the first country to assist Iraq in all difficult circumstances and provided weapons to Iraq in the fight against ISIS.
The statements of the National Security Advisor of Iraq regarding the presence of Mossad in Iraqi Kurdistan region come at a time when recently Nechervan Idris Barzani, the President of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, in an interview with Al Arabiya and Al-Hadath media outlets, denied any relations between the Kurdistan region and the Israeli regime and claimed that the Kurdistan Region does not have any ties with the regime and there is no Mossad base in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Therefore, based on the statements of the National Security Advisor of Iraq and his confirmation of the presence of Mossad in Iraqi Kurdistan, it can be said that Iran’s claims about the presence of Mossad forces in the Iraqi region were entirely accurate. It is worth noting that in recent years, Western intelligence services led by the US and specifically the Mossad of the Israeli regime have significantly increased anti-security operations against Iran in Kurdistan region of Iraq and, under the guise of Kurdish separatist groups, carry out terrorist operations within Iran.