Israeli Regime Army Retreat From Al-Shifa Hospital; 1500 Palestinians Martyred, Wounded, Missing

Tuesday 2 April 2024 - 11:45

The Israeli regime’s army officially announced the end of its military operation and retreat from Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip on April 1.

Hebrew media outlets have claimed that the operation at the Al-Shifa Hospital was one of the most successful operations of the Israeli army in recent months in Gaza. These media outlets have also claimed that during this operation, some of the Al-Qassam Brigades forces were killed, and a number of weapons and ammunition were discovered and seized.

According to local sources, Israeli armored vehicles fired blindly and aimlessly during the retreat from the Al-Shifa Hospital. After the Israeli soldiers’ retreat, it became clear that the buildings of the Al-Shifa Hospital had been completely set on fire, and the medical center had been completely out of service, with a very high level of destruction in it and the surrounding areas.

In this regard, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, a Geneva-based independent organization with regional offices across the MENA region and Europe, announced in a report: Initial estimates indicate that the Israeli regime’s army has destroyed and set fire to more than 1200 residential units around Shifa Hospital in Gaza.

It is worth mentioning that the Al-Shifa Hospital have been under military operation and siege by Israeli soldiers for two weeks. As a result of the operation at the Al-Shifa Hospital and its surrounding areas, at least 1500 Palestinians were martyred, wounded, and missing, half of whom were women and children.

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