Israeli Regime Fails To Push UN Security Council To Condemn Iran Attack

Monday 15 April 2024 - 16:31

The United Nations Security Council session to discuss the military action by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) against the Israeli regime ended without issuing a statement or resolution.

The Monday session, which was convened at the request of the Israeli regime to condemn or take political action against Iran on the international stage, was unsuccessful due to the relatively positive atmosphere in favor of Iran.

During the session, the representative of the Israeli regime claimed that Iran’s attainment of nuclear weapons is imminent and demanded the adoption of a mechanism of deterrence against the Islamic Republic. Gilad Erdan added that Iran and its proxy groups have besieged Israel, and Iran’s military action against the regime has endangered the entire region. He also emphasized that if the Security Council does not take action against Iran, Israel is not a lame duck and will retaliate like a lion.

Representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France also condemned the Iranian attack and expressed their support for defending Israel, while calling for a reduction of tensions in the region. These countries also accused Iran of arming resistance groups in the region and sending suicide drones to Russia.

However, the Russia’s Permanent Representative, Vassily Nebenzia, made interesting remarks during the session, attributing Western actions to the instability in the region, with reference to the assassination of Iranian Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani by the United States. He also criticized the immediate condemnation of Iran’s operation against the Israeli regime by the UN Secretary-General Antony Guterres and his silence regarding the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, stating: We warned that there should be a unified position regarding Israel’s attacks on diplomatic facilities, but this did not happen, and the United States, the UK, and France were not willing to issue a statement against Israel.

The Iranian representative at the session also emphasized Iran’s legal right to self-defense and stated: The international community’s silence on the Israeli regime’s actions, backed by the United States, has emboldened them, and the time has come to pay the price for the Israeli regime’s actions. Iran had no choice but to defend itself, and if the United States takes military action against Iran, Tehran will once again exercise its natural right.

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