US Assassinates Hurras Al-Din Field Commander In Syria’s Idlib

Saturday 24 August 2024 - 14:41

One of the senior field commanders of Hurras al-Din militant group has been assassinated in a drone attack by US Central Command Forces in Syria’s Idlib Governorate.

On August 23, a MQ-9 drone belonging to the US-led coalition targeted a motorcycle on the al-Bara-Ehsim Road located in the south of Idlib Governorate.

Hours after this strike, the terrorist US Central Command in the West Asia region (CENTCOM) issued an official statement declaring that its forces carried out a drone strike against a senior commander of the Hurras al-Din militant group, called Abu-’Abd al-Rahman al-Makki, in Syria.

CENTCOM also claimed that the senior commander of the group was responsible for overseeing a number of its terrorist operations.

Some local sources also reported that the strike was carried out using an AGM-114 Hellfire missile. It is said that Abu-’Abd al-Rahman al-Makki was cautious, when he wanted to use his cell phone, and that the commander was identified and pursued by field agents on the ground.

This is the sixth targeted airstrikes by the US-led coalition in the north of Syria in the last three years. Previously, the US-led coalition conducted air strikes in certain regions of Idlib and Aleppo governorates, targeting a number of commanders of al-Qaeda (Hurras al-Din) and ISIS terrorist groups.

Hurras al-Din has been identified as an Al Qaeda-associated terrorist group based in Syria that shares Al Qaeda’s global aspirations to carry out strikes against US and Western interests in the region. In the early years of the Syrian war, America used militant groups like this group to advance its goals in Syria. Now there is no need for them and the US assassinates their commanders.

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