New Details Of Israel’s Hybrid Strike On Syria

Tuesday 10 September 2024 - 19:04

The Israeli regime’s army utilized cruise missiles and suicide drones in its recent air raids against targets in Hama Governorate situated in western-central Syria.

Late hours on September 8, the Israeli military forces targeted the Syrian Armed Forces’ scientific research centers in Masyaf city as well as several other locations around the city.

In addition to the Syrian army’s research centers and a position in the north of the city of Masyaf, the Israelis also targeted a military base in the southwest of the city, which, according to the Israeli regime, was the site of the production of rockets utilized by the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah with the help of Iranian and Lebanese military advisers.

This military base, which is identified as an underground facility and the Institute 4000 research center, was also targeted in an airstrike by the occupying regime’s army on March 12, 2023. Since 2018, the mentioned center has been attacked by the Israeli regime’s army at least in four operations.

Images, which have been released so far of the remnants of the regime’s drones and missiles indicate that the Tel Aviv regime utilized a combination of Delilah cruise missiles and suicide drones to pound its envisioned targets in the recent strike.

The Delilah cruise missile is manufactured by Israel Military Industries (IMI) and is used to pound stationary and mobile targets. The missile impact error (Circular Error Probable) of this class of missile is stated to be less than 1 meter.

Delilah cruise missiles

Moreover, the released images of the remnants of the UAVs shot down by the Syrian army’s defense systems also indicated that the Israeli regime used the IAI Harop class of drones in the recent attack.

The IAI Harop suicide drone is a relatively expensive loitering munition manufactured by the Israeli regime’s Aerospace Industries. The main task of this UAV is to overpower their enemy’s air defenses. The kamikaze drone was first displayed to the public in 2009 at the 7th edition of Aero India, which was a biennial air show and aviation exhibition held in Bangalore, India.

Military Knowledge: Harop Suicide Drone

According to the evidence on the ground, it is now obvious that the sound of an explosion in Tartus port city was related to the activation of the Syrian army’s defense systems to intercept the missiles and suicide drones fired by the Israeli regime’s army.

Interception of Israeli missiles by the Syrian air defense missiles near Tartus

It seems that the regime is using suicide drones to engage or suppress the defense systems of the Syrian Armed Forces in order to pave the ground for launching cruise missiles.

Even though a number of Israeli drones and missiles were successfully intercepted and demolished by the Syrian army’s defense systems, a few number of them hit the predetermined targets of the Israeli regime.

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