Latest Updates on Afghanistan 9 August 2019

Friday 9 August 2019 - 18:22

Latest news from Afghanistan fronts

1- Kabul:
– Due to explosion of a bicycle bomb in Parwan Bustan crossroad, 2 were killed and 7 other wounded.
– At least 95 people including women and children were killed and wounded in a car bomb attack on a police headquarters in police district 6 of Kabul. The explosion caused by the attack was so strong that the building was almost destroyed.
2- Herat:
Due to explosion of a VBIED on Eydgah road, 8 people were wounded.
3- Paktia:
Taliban captured 8 soldiers on the Patan-Gardiz road and executed 7 of them.
4- Sare Pol:
Afghan security forces repelled the Taliban attacks to the ToupKhana and Masjed Sabz villages in Sancharak district. This villages are under Taliban siege for more than four months.
5- Afghanistan’s top cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Mohammad Asif Mohseni passed away due to an illness in Kabul.

Heads of Islamic countries expressed condolences over the passing of Ayatollah Haj Sheikh Muhammad Asif Mohseni, Leader of the Shi’ite Religious Council of Afghanistan, to the Afghan nation and his family.
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