Latest Updates on Afghanistan and Pakistan, 2 September 2019

Monday 2 September 2019 - 21:35

Latest News of Taliban’s Heavy Attack to Qunduz and Baghlan and US. and Taliban Negotiation

1. Pakistan:
– ISIS killed a Pakistan intelligence force by gun in Mastung town, Baluchestan state.
2. Kunduz:
– Due to an operation by Taliban to occupy Qunduz, 25 people including 5 civilians and 20 security forces are martyred and tens are wounded. Sayyid Sarwar Hoseini, Qunduz police spokesperson is among martyrs. Also 56 Taliban members are killed.
– Due to a mine explosion in Dashte Archi, the governor and security commander are wounded.
– Due to Taliban’s suicide attack to security forces gathering in Seh Darak area, 4 of them are martyred and 17 wounded.
3. Baghlan:
– Afghanistan security forces operation in Baghlan main route. Taliban was attacking vehicles and civilians in this road.
– Taliban executed a woman and man in Kile Gi area after stopped their car. They were from Andarab, a city ruled by the government.
4. USA and Taliban negotiation:
Zalmay Khalilzad, USA head negotiator met with Abdullah Abdullah, Hamid Karzai, Muhammad Mohaqiq and other afghan officials.
5. Kabul:
Due to terrorist explosion near Green Village camp in 9th district, 5 were killed and 50 were wounded so far. Taliban took responsibility of the attack.

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