Latest Updates on Yemen, 28 December 2020

Monday 28 December 2020 - 10:24

Latest news from the frontlines and the formation of the new cabinet of the resigned Mansour Hadi government with the participation of the Southern Transitional Council

1- The new cabinet of Yemen (resigned government of Mansour Hadi) swore to the constitution law in Riyadh, the Saudi Arabia capital!
The cabinet is formed of South transition council delegates and former pro-Mansour Hadi ministers.

2- General Riyadh Salah, the head of returning soldiers to Ansar Allah said the number of these troops from the day of public pardon to December 2020 is more than 12 thousand.

3- Saudi coalition air raids:
Saudi coalition warplanes bombed districts Haradh, Hayran and Mustaba in Hajjah province 4 times, Souh area, Saadah province 1 time and Dhahra area in Al Jawf province three times.

4- Al Hudaydah
– Saudi-led forces violated ceasefire in the province 270 times in the last 48 hours.
– Saudi coalition drones bombed Durayhimi district 2 times.

5- Dhale
Saudi coalition artillery bombed Ansar Allah positions in areas Nabijat and Hamam, west of Fakhir.

6- Saudi coalition claims to destroy five maritime mines in south of the Red Sea in the last 24 hours. The coalition claims the mines are made by Iran and planted by Ansar Allah.

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