Latest Updates on Yemen, 21 October 2021

Thursday 21 October 2021 - 13:12

ISWNews Analysis Group: Clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi-led forces continued on the southern front of al-Jubah district and news of the liberation of Naja, Al-Soum and Al-Musil by Ansar Allah is not correct.

1- Marib:
– Clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi-led forces continued on the southern front of al-Jubah district.
– The news of the liberation of Naja, Al-Soum and Al-Musil by Ansar Allah in the past few days is not correct, and also the news that Ansar Allah withdrew from these areas is not true.
– The Saudi coalition claims to have carried out 26 air operations in recent days and 80 Ansar Allah casualties on the southern fronts of Marib province.

2- Shabwah:
Ansar Allah repulsed an attack by Saudi-led forces on the Al-Safra front in the Usaylan district.

3- Saudi coalition air strikes:
During the past 48 hours, the Saudi coalition warplanes attacked Al-Juba district 15 times, Rahba and Madghal districts 4 times in Marib province, Al-Mahashimah and Al-Maraziq areas 7 times in Al-Jawf province, Sahar district 3 times, Dhaher area 4 times and Baqim area 3 times in Saada province, Usaylan district 3 times in Shabwa province, Haradh area once in Hajjah province.

4- Al-Hudaydah:
The Saudi-led forces have violated the ceasefire 187 times in the past 48 hours.

5- Saada:
Two people were killed and four others, including two African immigrants were wounded in artillery attacks by the Saudi coalition on the border district of Munbah.

6- The celebration of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was held with a large gathering of people in areas under the control of Ansar Allah. The pictures below are related to this ceremony.

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  1. Muhammad Ali Reza says:

    Mashallah. God Bless poor people of Yemen. They are so brave and steadfastness.