Disclosure of US biological weapons program documents in Ukraine

Monday 7 March 2022 - 19:10

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to information released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukrainian officials destroyed documents related to a military biological program in an emergency clean-up.

The documents proved that the components needed to make biological weapons were being built in US-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine near the Russian border.

Russian Defense Ministry: “Our documents confirm that the components of biological weapons are being developed in Ukrainian biological laboratories near Russia. These documents are currently being reviewed and analyzed by experts in the chemical, biological and radioactive protection forces.”

The Biosynergy Program is a $ 2.1 billion project supported by the Department of Defense that aims to establish biological laboratories outside the United States. As part of this project, the United States has established more than 200 biological laboratories in 25 countries and regions, including Ukraine, Georgia, etc.

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