Latest Updates On Yemen, 7 August 2023

Monday 7 August 2023 - 09:53

Abdullatif Al-Sayed, the commander of Hizam al-Amni forces in Abyan province, sent some of his representatives to the tribes allied with al-Qaeda in Wadi Omran and proposed to them the establishment of peace and the integration of the militants of these tribes into the STC organization.

1- Aden:
On August 3, US ambassador to Yemen Steven Fagin met with foreign minister of the resigned Yemeni government Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak in Aden Governorate, when they discussed peace talks and the provision of humanitarian aid.

Steven Fagin and Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak

2- Shabwah:
– On August 5, al-Qaeda militants launched a widespread attack on one of the Shabwah Defense Forces’ military bases in Al-Musaina, Shabwa Governorate. The casualties and damages of the attack have not yet been determined.
– On August 5, after a mortar attack on the Balhaf gas facilities by unidentified individuals, the Shabwah Defense Forces went on alert. Given the history of sabotage by the Al-Islah Party in Balhaf, it is likely that the attack was carried out by their militants.

Balhaf port on the coast of Shabwah Governorate

3- Abyan:
– On August 4, as a result of a bomb explosion on the route of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) militants’ vehicle at the western entrance of Mudiyah village, one person was killed and eight others were injured. The attack was carried out by al-Qaeda elements.
– On August 4, the Southern Transitional Council handed over command of the security belt forces in Abyan province to Abdullatif Al-Sayed, one of the local southern commanders in Abyan Governorate and a former member of al-Qaeda.
– On August 6, local sources reported on a peace proposal from the Southern Transitional Council to al-Qaeda militants in Abyan Governorate. According to the report, Abdullatif Al-Sayed Bafaqih, a Southern Yemeni warlord from Abyan, sent some of his representatives to tribes living in Wadi Omran area and proposed forming a group from elements of these tribes who are allied with al-Qaeda. According to this proposal, tribal militants should operate as part of southern forces in Mudiya and Al-Mahfad areas and refrain from attacking southern militants from Ad Dali’ and Lahij governorates.

Read more: Al-Qaeda Assassinated 3 Of The STC Field Commanders

4- Lahij:
– On August 5, as part of the UAE’s plan to control southwestern Yemen’s coastal regions, the Southern Transitional Council deployed Hizam al-Amni forces in Al-Mudaribah and Ras Al-Ara areas. Prior to deploying these forces, the second battalion of Amaliqa forces had been stationed in these areas on August 4.

Read more: Bab Al-Mandab Turns Into Main Front Of Maritime Clashes Between Ansar Allah Movement, Saudi-Led Coalition

5- Al-Hudaydah:
– The Saudi-led coalition forces violated the ceasefire 111 times in the Al-Hudaydah governorate during the past 48 hours.
– The Saudi-led coalition drones bombed Ansar Allah movement’s positions in Muqbanah district of the Taiz Governorate four times and Hays district twice during the past 48 hours.

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